Mountain goats are often seen in the Snake River Canyon near Alpine, Wyoming. It isn't unusual to see a few fairly close to the road in winter, but when we were there, they were a long way up the mountain.
Several members of our Sharp Shooters Camera Club have taken beautiful close-up photos of these interesting animals, but I wasn't so lucky. However, I was extremely fortunate to see a huge herd of over 75 goats grazing their way across the mountain. The snow had just about melted, so I suppose they were taking advantage of the bare ground to find food.

The herd was scattered over a wide area and was gone in about a half hour. This huge herd was probably a nursery group of nannies (females) and kids. The billies (males) usually form much smaller groups and keep to themselves. These photos show just a small part of the widely scattered herd. As the weather warms up they will head for higher elevations and won't be seen again until next winter.